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宗筋堂年轻态康复中心 张元刚

宗筋堂年轻态康复中心 张元刚

宗筋堂年轻态康复中心 张元刚

宗筋堂年轻态康复中心 张元刚

宗筋堂年轻态康复中心 张元刚

宗筋堂年轻态康复中心 张元刚

宗筋堂年轻态康复中心 张元刚

宗筋堂年轻态康复中心 张元刚

宗筋堂年轻态康复中心 张元刚

宗筋堂年轻态康复中心 张元刚

宗筋堂年轻态康复中心 张元刚

宗筋堂年轻态康复中心 张元刚

张元刚,男,1972年出生,西南大学公共管理学院研究生,宗筋堂(北京)中医科学研究院院长,重庆宗筋堂医药科技有限公司总经理。曾获得中医主任医师、推拿按摩国家一级技师、公共营养国家一级技师。中国民族医药学会推拿分会副会长、中国推拿按摩学会副会长、中国民族医药学会民间医药分会副会长、中国民族医药学会健康产业分会副秘书长、中国民间中医医药开发协会常务理事、全国中医手法整形医学学术委员会副主席、全国徒手塑型专业委员会专家组成员、世界针灸学会联合会北京康复研究院副院长、中国民间中医药研究开发协会 民间疗法专家委员 。

Personal Profile

Born in 1972 and being postgraduate of School of Public Administration in Southwest University, Zhang Yuangang(male) serves as Dean of Zongjintang (Beijing) Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, General Manager of Chongqing Zongjintang Medical Technology Co., Ltd., and He has been awarded the Chief Physician of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the National First-Class Therapist of Massage, and the National First-Class Technician of Public Nutrition and Dietetics. He has also served as Vice President of Massage Branch of Chinese National Medicine Society, Vice President of Chinese Massage Society, Vice President of Folk Medicine Branch of Chinese National Medicine Society, Deputy Secretary-General of Health Industry Branch of Chinese National Medicine Society, Executive Director of Folk Medicine Development Association of China, Vice Chairman of the National Academic Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine Cosmetic Surgery, Member of the Expert Group of the National Freehand Facelift Professional Committee, Vice President of the Beijing Rehabilitation Research Institute of the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies, and Member of the Folk Therapy Expert Committee of the Chinese Folk Medicine Research and Development Association. 


2011年创办重庆渝中区宗筋堂徒手康复中心;后相继成立了宗筋堂(北京)中医科学研究院、宗筋堂中医医院 、宗筋堂中医传承博物馆、宗筋堂国医大师石学敏院士传承工作室、宗筋堂国医大师张大宁传承工作室,重庆市非物质文化保护协会常务理事单位,重庆宗筋堂医药科技有限公司,北京宗筋堂中医医院等。数十年间,走寻大江南北,遍访奇人异士,收集特效民间验方技法达千余种,时时用之屡见奇效,并不忘师嘱,对《易经》《神农本草》《黄帝内经》《伤寒杂病》《周氏医学丛书》及各版本的各种《针经》加以仔细读研读,不敢有丝毫懈怠;并承担十三五普通高等教育部委级规划教材分册《软组织损伤学》主编,2021《中国食疗产业发展蓝皮书》副主编(顾问陈可冀院士、主编张伯礼院士)。    

Major Achievements

In 2011, Master Zhang founded the Zongjintang Freehand Rehabilitation Center in Yuzhong District, Chongqing; later established Zongjintang (Beijing) Academy of Chinese Medicine Sciences, Zongjintang Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Studio of Master Shi Xuemin, and Zongjintang Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Studio of Master Zhang Daning, Executive Directing Unit of Chongqing Intangible Cultural Protection Association, Chongqing Zongjintang Medical Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Zongjintang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc.. Over decades, he has traveled a multitude of sites, and visited hundreds of gurus who showed marvelous medical expertise, collected more than a thousand methods of special effects and folk prescription techniques, which have been brought into full and extraordinary play without defiance to the gurus’ instructions. Zhang has always devoted himself to the fine-reading of a series of TCM classics, including “Book of Changes”, “Shennong’s Classic of Materia Medica”, “Treatise on Cold‐Induced Fevers”, “Zhou's Medical Series” and various versions of the “Acupuncture Classics”. Zhang has been the editor-in-chief of one of the text volumes of “Soft Tissue Injury”, the 13th Five-Year General Higher Education Ministry-level Planning Textbook, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of 2021 “Blueprint of the Development of China’s Food Therapy Industry” (Advisor, Academician Chen Keji, Editor-in-Chief, Academician Zhang Boli). 


“养重于治 动胜于药”是宗筋堂一直坚持的理念。公司专注于男性年轻态康复研究及男性因肝肾不足所引起的各种慢性疑难病症的康复研究。对男性慢性肾炎 ,痛风,尿毒症  ,阳痿早泄 的 特效康复调理 有较高造诣;对中药酵母 泡浴 治疗中年常见之:久治不愈之痔疮,前列腺炎症  前列腺肥大,房事不洁引起的疱疹,等少腹疾病的特效康复有较深研究。 

Health Philosophy

“Nourishment is better than cure,and movement than medicine” is the philosophy that Zong Jintang adheres to and it has been focusing on the rehabilitation methods that could keep men young or enable them younger in physical strength and the rehabilitation of various chronic and intractable diseases caused by liver and kidney deficiency in men. The founder of Zong Jintang has been well versed in the special rehabilitation of male chronic nephritis, gout, uremia, impotence and prospermia; he has had rich experience and profound research in treating middle-aged patients with traditional Chinese medicine yeast bathing: within the scope of the hypogastric diseases which see common prevalence among middle-aged males, like intractable hemorrhoids, prostatitis, prostatomegaly, herpes caused by unhygienic sex, etc., Mr Zhang has had rich experience and a profound research.

宗筋堂主攻男性再次强壮、女性再显年轻的特效康复调理 。  

Zong Jintang has been specializing in special rehabilitation treatment that could revive men’s physical strength and regain women’s vigor.

宗筋堂堂主数十年来一直从事着对各种神经疼痛 、各种恶性肿瘤的前中期的特效民间单方、秘方、验方的收集、发掘 、运用、整理工作从未间断。  

For decades, the master of Zong Jintang has been unremittingly engaged in the collection, exploration, application and sorting of the special-effect folk prescriptions, secret therapies, and proven recipes on miscellaneous nerve pains and various malignant tumors in the early and mid-term.      


Zong Jintang-a lifelong dedication to research that could make people ten years younger physically.

宗筋堂以奉行“筋长一寸、命长十年”“万病皆肾起”等千年民间中医学理念,以独创的“宗筋堂松筋术”“宗筋堂收阴术”和“宗筋堂九阳强肾疗法”对如男女性年轻态生殖保健、糖尿病、痛风、白血病,癌症初中期等慢性病及疑难杂症进行康复调理多能达到立杆见影的神奇功效。张元刚曾先后走遍大江南北,向数百位民间特技人员学习交流 。尤其在手法医学方面的研究和运用有着精深的造诣。




